It's a castle in the air. It floats. One person thinks it's apocalyptic. If you look at Works on Paper, the comet bends the other way. I think the comet is energy. The painting crackles with energy. We live in a round, two story house on a hill overlooking a river valley. These are energetic times. It had been some time, years in fact, since I had painted a simple landscape. What a pleasure! By loading the brush with more than one color, the brushstrokes had increased definition. This resulted in a picture that was rich and bright. Our relationship with nature is difficult. “Gardening” is an example. Like in a real garden, the closer you get the more you see. The topiary, while beautiful, seems artificial. As I mentioned in “About,” it's pointless to plant in the company of chickens. The carefully mulched garden is too orderly. Nature doesn't like that. The tree has no leaves. When Mel was diagnosed with brain cancer and given 6 weeks to live, we turned to alternative healing and eventually studied Oriental medicine with Tom Tam in Boston. We still practice Tui Na on one another. Every morning we do our Tai Chi Dao Yin exercises. After more than twenty years, Mel is good. I am good. |